Team Boston Academy Pitching Clinics
Small Group Pitching Clinics at Team Boston Academy
The best pitching clinics are at Team Boston Academy. Pitching Clinics at Team Boston Academy focus on the proper mechanics for teaching the younger athlete.
Each week the players are working off the Little League Pitching mound to gain a better feel for the position.
This clinic is for the young pitcher who needs help with mechanics during their off season. Players are to come prepared wearing proper baseball or athletic clothing, glove and sneakers.
November Clinic – Wednesdays 4:00 – 4:50 PM
Pitching for Little League Ages 9 – 12 $225 (6 Player Limit)
- The November pitching clinic meets once a week for four weeks. 11/6, 11/13, 11/20, 11/27
December Clinic – Tuesdays and Thursdays 4:00 – 4:50 PM
Pitching for Little League Ages 9 – 12 $225 (6 Player Limit)
- The December pitching clinic meets twice a week for two weeks. 12/3, 12/5, 12/10, 12/10
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